The Sounds of Colors - The Colors of Sounds
pling factory collaborates closely with the painting artist Jochen Roeder. The current work uses METASYNTH to create sounds from the pictures of Jochen Roeder .
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More about the work of J. Roeder you can find in the pling Art Gallery

Concert on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition with textural composions by Jochen Roeder at the Turmgalerie on Schloss Augustusburg / Germany
sat 17. June 2000 6.00 pm

”The Wheel”
Originally ”The Wheel ” was planned as a tribute to Marcel Duchamp . Since then the wheel has been developped into a fullgrown electro-acoustic instrument. Especially the spokes generate a very eerie sound when the the wheel is spinning slowly. By means of several different sampling methods the rotations of the wheel are transformed into sounds as well.
Technical concept of The Wheel
Next concert of the wheel together with ADAM NOIDLT MISSILES, the new orchestra for improvising music of Frank Koellges at the ”Rheinlaender”, Cologne on

June 8, 2000

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