The Colors of Sound - The Sound of Colors
pling factory collaborates closely with the painting artist Jochen Roeder. This collaboration is based on a certain similarity in their working methods. Besides that J.Roeder listens often to the sounds and music created by pling artist Michael (µ ) Plewka. More about the work of J. Roeder you can find in the pling Art Gallery

It is quite a while that µ Plewka tried to transform the filigree paintings into sounds But only when the ingenious software METASYNTH by Eric Wenger became available a rewarding Transformation was possible . The pictures of Roeder were scanned and thus transferred into the computer with reasonable resolution so to keep the details. With the help of the image processing tools of METASYNTH a series of transformations were made from several of the structures found in the pictures. Below is an example of one series which may illustrate the process. Then these pictures were transformed into sounds . These sounds are the basis for a collection of music which was first presented to the public on November 7th 1999 in the Museum Modern Art in Huenfeld / Germany. During the concert J. Roeder was working on a new painting.

There will be a CD with this music coming soon.

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Sound examples coming soon
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